- ⚾Tot Tee-Ball has been designed to introduce children to the game of Tee-ball in a non-competitive environment through repetition and teamwork in a fun, safe and nurturing environment. We cover the basics of the game ….

About the Tee-Ball Program:
⚾️ Base running: with color-coded cones at each base to help identify, which base the children are on or running too. ⚾️ Age-appropriate equipment: wiffle balls, foam bats. - ⚾️ Throwing / Catching
- ⚾️ Infield Positions
Everyone bats and runs the bases each game. Games will consist of at least 2 innings.
You do NOT need to be a resident of Avon Lake to participate.
Additional intellectual and social skills/tools to be developed:
- Listening
- Following Directions
- Forming Lines
- Taking Turns
- Confidence and Self Esteem Building
Each child should come with: tennis shoes, soft athletic shorts, t-shirt, and water bottle. A baseball glove is not required for this class.
In unexpected instances where there are less than 10 tots enrolled in a time slot, classes may be combined. Parents will be contacted and notified at the close of Open Enrollment if this issue arises.
Classes are designed for boys & girls ages 3-5
Classes run for 55 minutes each week.
Equipment: For this age group, safety and learning comes first! For Tot Tee-Ball no gloves are needed. Color coded bases, Batting T, Team Shirt, whiffle balls and foam bats are provided
Coaches Responsibilities:
Those parents who can volunteer and help coach, Thank You. Coaches will work along side my staff.
My staff and I always coach on the field when we practice/play. So during this time things maybe slowed down a bit, but we want to start coaching your child on the spot. One field maybe done before the other is completed. If it’s possible please stay until everyone is finished
**Homework assigned – The children will receive a hand stamp, than be asked to go to their parents, grandparents etc. after “Huddle Time” and give them a HUG, KISS and say THANK YOU for bringing them. If they forget, please send them back to see a coach.
Social Media:
I am a big social media person, so if you are on Instagram or Facebook please friend me. If you’re on Facebook, go to Preschool Sports and like the page. Why you ask, this will be the just one way of finding out about upcoming programs or class cancelations due to unforeseen weather.
As all of you are taking such great pictures and videos with your cameras/phones, if you would be willing to share them by tagging me (Craig Collins) or post them to the Preschool Sports FB page. OR if you could hash tag "#Preschoolsports” I would appreciate it. Thanks for sharing!
Facebook @ www.facebook.com/preschoolsports
Instagram @ www.instagram.com/preschool_sports
Twitter. @ CoachCraigPSS
****The day of class, you won’t be able to reach me via email or phone 45 mins before and during class. Please see me in person after class or I will try to return your message after class or the next morning.
Sample Tee-Ball Practice Schedule:
10:00am – 10:10am – (Family Time)
(For those who can arrive at this time, you and your child can work on their Throwing, fielding and hitting skills.)
10:10am – 10:20am- Introductions
Staff, Coaches, Teams, Uniforms, Safety & Housekeeping
(Anyone who has signed up late will have to wait till the following week for a shirt)
10:20am – 10:30am – Stretching / Conditioning
10:30am – 10:55am - "Teams" break off into stations (Approximately 10 mins each) and work on the drills.
-Running the bases
- Throwing and fielding
10:55am - Bring all the teams together. We do a hand stamp and assign them their "homework". Their "homework" will be to give mom and dad, grandma and grandpa or whoever is there that week supporting them a "Hug and say Thank You"!
For additional updates, go to Preschool Sports on FB and select “Like” and go to www.preschoolsports.org than on the Navigation bar select Home and read information under “About Our Club”.
Picture Day: TBA. Team pictures will be before / during / after your game. Please make sure your child has their team shirt on for picture day. C&S Photography will be taking are pictures. Any Questions please Contact Sandy Herman at (440)989-6589. This year is new process where you will be able to view your photos on line before purchasing!!
Your child's photo will be taken on picture day.
No forms to fill out
5-7 days after the picture has been taken, you will receive an email and a text to notify you when your gallery is available for viewing.
The online shop is user friendly, easy to Navigate and offers multiple poses for you to view and purchase
Spring I/ (10:15am) 2024
Saturday's - May 11th – June 8th (5 weeks) / $65
Location: Westview Elementary School (Grass area south side of the building)
155 Moore Rd
Avon Lake
Summer I / (6:15pm) 2024
– Wednesdays / June 12th – July 17th at (6:15pm)
Location: Westview Elementary School (Grass area south side of the building)
155 Moore Rd
Avon Lake
Summer I / (10:00am) 2023
– Thursdays - June 13th – July 18th (5 weeks) at (10am)
Location: Learwood Middle School (Grass area / softball field)
155 Moore Rd
Avon Lake
Fall / (11:30am) 2023
Saturday's - Sept 14 through Oct 12 (5 weeks) / $75
Location: Westview Elementary School (Grass area south side of the building)
155 Moore Rd
Avon Lake
westview property map.pdf
Enrollment: Up to 60 children ( Up to 8 teams of 8 )
REGISTRATION FEE: $75 per child, per session (Fee includes T-shirt)
$5 Discount for two (2) or more children in the same family is $5 per child.
$5 Discount if you register for two programs in the same session
Late Fee: of $5.00 will be charged for payments received later than 7 days before 1st class.